As part of your complimentary LASIK consultation at Providence Eye & Laser Specialists, you will be evaluated for Contoura Vision® Topography Guided LASIK using the WaveLight® Topolyzer™ VARIO Diagnostic Device. The VARIO test is standard during all LASIK consultations at our practice. It determines if patients may benefit from Contoura Vision Topography Guided LASIK, which is the next level of laser vision correction customization.

What Is Contoura Vision Topography Guided LASIK?

Contoura Vision LASIK, integrates the WaveLight Topolyzer VARIO Diagnostic Device with our WaveLight EX500 laser. The VARIO will do the following:

  • Iris imaging for potential eye tracking registration during the procedure
  • Topography imaging for potential additional customization of your treatment

This innovative device captures detailed, sophisticated scans of your cornea. It also measures aberrations or imperfections in the optics of your cornea that are then reduced by the laser during the procedure. When combined with Dr. Mozayeni’s decades of surgical experience and expertise, Contoura Vision has the potential to produce an even better outcome than normal by adding this additional layer of vision correction customization. While not everyone will qualify for or benefit from topography guided technology, nearly all patients will benefit from the more precise iris registration eye tracking.

Is Contoura Vision LASIK Offered by Every Practice?

This highly advanced technology used to perform Contoura Vision LASIK utilizes a combination of diagnostic equipment and lasers from the Alcon WaveLight family that is not available at most LASIK practices. Furthermore, lasers from other manufacturers are not compatible with the Wavelight Topolyzer VARIO Diagnostic Device. Providence Eye & Laser Specialists has performed Contoura Vision Topography Guided LASIK since 2016. We have more experience with this technology than any other LASIK practice in the Charlotte region.

While our LASIK practice made a significant investment to give patients the option of having Contoura Vision, the experience of Dr. Mozayeni is the critical advantage we offer our patients. Now, more than ever before, an extreme level of detail, skill and personalized patient care by the surgeon is required to properly program the laser with the precise data used to perform Contoura Vision LASIK.

Why Would We Recommend Contoura Vision Topography Guided LASIK?

Our primary goal is to deliver the absolute best LASIK result to every patient. As such, Dr. Mozayeni consistently invests in new, proven technology. For certain patients, Contoura Vision enables us to deliver an even better vision correction result than previously possible. FDA studies of patients who had Contoura Vision demonstrated that:

  • 65% of patients had 20/15 (better than 20/20) vision after the procedure
  • 35% of patients had better than 20/15 vision after the procedure
  • 30% of patients reported better vision than they previously experienced with contacts or glasses

Who Is a Good Candidate for Contoura Vision Topography Guided LASIK?

Being a candidate is not enough! We want to make sure you will actually benefit from this additional level of customization. A few days before your scheduled procedure, Dr. Mozayeni will carefully analyze all of the data we collected regarding your vision and your cornea. It is after this detailed analysis, using software that is linked to the WaveLight EX500 laser, that Dr. Mozayeni will determine if he expects you to benefit from Contoura Vision.

Contoura Vision is never required and it will be your decision as to invest in this additional layer of customization. Even in you decide not to have Contoura Vision, iris registration eye tracking will still be incorporated into your LASIK procedure without any additional cost.

Wondering if you are an ideal LASIK candidate and can benefit from Contoura Vision Topography Guided LASIK? Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Mozayeni.