Contoura Vision®, which is a topography-guided LASIK, is much more than the LASIK you have commonly heard talked about. It uses today’s most advanced technologies to create a completely customized treatment. Of those patients who have had Contoura Vision LASIK, 98.4% of them say they would get it again. Here’s a little insight into why people love it and why Providence Eye has invested in state-of-the-art technology for our patients.
As the video outlined, Contoura Vision LASIK integrates the Wavelight Topolyzer Vario diagnostic device with our Wavelight EX500 laser. This innovative, advanced device captures detailed, sophisticated scans of your cornea, and measures aberrations or imperfections in the optics of your cornea that are then reduced by the laser during the procedure. When combined with Dr. Nunnery's decades of surgical experience and expertise, topography-guided LASIK has the potential to produce an even better outcome than normal by adding this additional layer of customization.
Contoura Vision LASIK utilizes up to 22,000 unique elevation points on each eye and creates a complete map of your cornea, which makes your visit to Providence Eye unique.
The good news is, the procedure is quick! At Providence Eye & Laser Specialists patients are typically in our laser suite for only 10 minutes!
Our WaveLight FS200 laser will be used to create a small flap from tissue on your cornea. Using your personalized and intensive cornea mapping that was initially performed, Dr. Nunnery will use the EX500 to reshape your cornea. At the end of the procedure, your corneal flap is laid back into place acting as a natural bandage to help your eye heal.
At Providence Eye, our primary goal is to deliver the absolute best LASIK result to every patient. As such, Dr. Nunnery consistently invests in new proven technology. For certain patients, Contoura Vision LASIK enables us to deliver an even better vision correction result than previously possible. FDA studies of patients who had Contoura Vision LASIK demonstrated that:
If you are interested in learning more about Contoura Vision LASIK or scheduling a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nunnery to learn more about your options for vision correction, contact us today!