Refractive Procedures:
Refractive Procedures:


Ages 18 - 60 ish, health eyes, no onset of cataracts.

Myopia up to -12D and up to -6D of astigmatism.

Hyperopia up to +5D and up to -3D of astigmatism.


Ages 21-45

Myopia starting as low as -3D up to -20D. Astigmatism up to -4.0D.

Not for hyperopia or presbyopia.

Refractive Lens Exchange - Combined hyperopia & presbyopia. Older patients with myopia.


Dr. Trey Nunnery does not just 'do' cataract surgery; he takes time to get to know and educate your patients about their vision, answer their questions, and explain the available options. Dr. Nunnery guides patients through the education and selection process. Dr. Nunnery offers: Traditional & laser-assisted surgery, Monofocal, multifocal and trifocal intraocular lenses(IOLs) as well as VerifEye+ (ORA) technology which is especially beneficial for those who have had refractive surgery.


Oculoplastics requires extreme precision. That’s why we provide an un-rushed approach to fully evaluate your patient’s visual needs, lifestyle & aesthetic desires. Then Dr. Valerie H. Chen can make personalized recommendations for each patient that will meet his or her individual goals. This plan may involve non-surgical and/or surgical recommendations. Dr. Chen specializes in Ptosis, Entropion, Ectropion, Blepharoplasty, and post-Mohs reconstruction.

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