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The Process of Fitting Contact Lenses Involves:

  • A mapping of your corneas using the Pentacam® corneal mapping system
  • The evaluation of the fit of the contacts on your cornea and assessment of corneal health
  • A trial pair of contact lenses and a starter cleaning kit
  • The determination and release of your contact lens prescription

Additionally, you will be instructed on the insertion and removal of the contacts if needed. Any related, necessary follow-up visits are included to ensure the correct contact fit and prescription. Your contact lens prescription will expire after one year, at which time you will be due for an annual eye exam and contact lens assessment.

For our patients typically over the age of 40, we offer multi-focal and monovision contacts to correct presbyopia, which offers another option to reduce the need for reading glasses.

Think you can’t wear contacts? We have been successful in fitting patients who, in the past, have been unable to wear contact lenses for the following reasons:

  • Detection and management of corneal and dry eye problems.
  • Our experience and expertise in fitting contact lenses.
  • Advances in both soft and rigid gas permeable contact lens design and materials.
  • Our willingness to listen to each patient and spend the time necessary to get it right.

Schedule a Consultation

To schedule an appointment, call 704-540-9595 or complete the short form below.

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Thank you for contacting Providence Eye & Laser Specialists!

We are looking forward to assisting you! You will receive a call from one of our team members within 1 business day from our main number (704) 540-9595. We use this number for both phone calls and text messaging. We do not use a call center. Please add this number to your contacts enabling you to recognize us when we reach out to you.

We look forward to getting to know you!