Monovision LASIK or PRK should be considered by any patient 40 or older. Why? Because monovison will enable you to reduce, or even eliminate, your need for glasses or contacts for both distance and near vision. Monovision is not new. However, the advancement in technology has made it a much better option since 2004, when Providence Eye introduced the WaveLight Excimer Laser to the Charlotte area and its subsequent upgrade, the WaveLight EX400 Excimer Laser in 2009 and in 2014 the WaveLight EX500.
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Once you and your surgeon Dr. Nunnery agree on a scenario that feels comfortable, then you will move on to a 2-week monovision trial utilizing contact lenses. Think of this as a “test drive” of the results of the surgery before you even have the surgery! No need to buy new contacts, we'll provide you with a small supply. We’ll follow up during the first week, talk to you about your experience, and adjust if necessary.
Never worn contacts before? No worries - we're here to help. This is all about you and finding the best possible scenario for your vision correction to meet your expectations. We provide this contact lens service under the direction of our optometrist Dr. Daniel Gray to create your perfect vision correction plan.
We normally recommend that you “test drive” monovision with contact lenses for 7–14 days. Often times a person will find that although the first few days may have some challenges, with a little patience, and occasional adjusting, the brain and eye begin to “synch up” and the vision gets better and better. If you and the Providence Eye team concur that monovision will meet your expectations, then your surgeon Dr. Nunnery can provide you monovision with LASIK or PRK.
One of the clearest advantages to monovision is gaining the ability to see far away and up close without glasses or contacts. With a quick procedure and minimal downtime, you can get back to your normal life with minimal interruption and become less dependent on glasses or contacts.
We find that monovision is great for many people for 90-95% of their daily activities. However, there may be certain occasions, extremely fine print or nighttime driving for example, when you may require glasses.
Schedule a consultation today and learn more about monovision and find out which laser vision correction procedure is right for you!