What Happens During Ectropion Treatment?

Prior to your procedure, your eyelid will be numbed with a local anesthetic. If you are feeling anxious, we may prescribe a light sedative to help you relax. The actual treatment will vary, depending on the root cause of your condition:

  • If your ectropion is caused by relaxed eye muscles, Dr. Chen will make an incision in the outer corner of your lower eyelid in order to remove a small portion of tissue. This allows the eyelid to be tightened and reconnected to the underling tissues, so it is situated more directly onto your eye and restores normal anatomic position.
  • If your condition is caused by scar tissue, you may require a skin graft from the upper eyelid or behind the ears to provide the necessary lower eyelid support.
  • If your condition is caused by a growth, Dr. Chen will carefully remove the tissue so the eyelid can rest comfortably on the eye.

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Preparing for Ectropion Treatment

It will be helpful for Dr. Chen to know what your eyelids looked like before you experienced ectropion. If possible, bring in the most recent photograph of yourself when your eyelids were tight. That will give Dr. Chen an idea of what goals you might want to achieve with your appearance. Here are some general tips to promote a successful procedure:

  • Over-the-counter pain reliving medications such as ibuprofen should not be taken 2 weeks prior to your surgery.
  • Stop smoking at least 2 weeks before (and after) your surgery.
  • Do not wear makeup the day of your procedure.
  • The night before your procedure, have a light meal and do not eat after midnight.
  • Do not eat anything the morning of your surgery.
  • Have someone drive you home after your appointment.
  • You may want to have someone spend the night with you in case you have any questions or experience any complications.

You will be provided detailed pre-operative instructions in writing by Dr. Chen and her team prior to your procedure.

Recovery from Ectropion Treatment

After surgery, expect to experience bruising, swelling and general tightness as your eye heals. A cold compress will help alleviate your discomfort during the first week, then use a warm compress. Dr. Chen will also prescribe antibiotic and steroid ointments to protect your eye from infection. It may take 2 weeks for the side effects to subside, so be patient and rest to promote a speedy recovery. Typically, dissolvable sutures are used so there is no need to return to have stitches removed.

Dr. Chen and her team will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions in writing.

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Results from Ectropion Treatment

With the lower eyelid back into normal position, you will be able to live life with more eye comfort and a natural function.

Are you ready to get relief from outward-turned eyelids?

To find out if you are a good candidate for ectropion treatment, call 704-540-9595 or complete the short form below.

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