Tom Spencer of Waxhaw, NC was a man on a mission: a mission to get rid of his contacts. Not concerned with the myths of surgery pain and an extensive recovery, Tom’s goal was to eliminate his dependence on contacts. He was not concerned with having the need to wear reading glasses, choosing to not undergo reading vision correction. At 56 years of age, he decided to look into different types of LASIK eye surgery and was deemed an ideal candidate by Dr. Reza Mozayeni for distance vision correction. Having undergone his procedure in December 2014, Tom is happy to have permanently set his contacts aside.

The Driving Force: Convenience

“I primarily [wanted LASIK eye surgery] because I had been wearing contacts and glasses since my early 20s, and I decided I was tired of taking contacts in and out every day.”

Tom’s eyesight had reached a point where he could no longer see the large ‘E’ on the top of the eyechart without experiencing blurriness. He was tired of dealing with the time-consuming nature of contacts. In addition to having to get a renewed prescription every year, Tom was tired of following all the rules of proper contact wear. While everyone is guilty of sleeping in their contacts sometimes, Tom tried to be diligent in following best practices in order to avoid an infection.

With contacts use now in his rearview mirror, Tom is able to enjoy everyday life with better time efficiency and highly increased convenience.

“I’m able to able to get up, sometimes in middle of the night, do some work, then simply go back to bed… that is a huge advantage.”

A Thorough, Straightforward Experience

“The procedure is extremely easy; it’s not uncomfortable at all.”

Tom decided to have his LASIK eye surgery performed by Dr. Mozayeni. What struck Tom most about Dr. Mozayeni was his level of expertise in laser vision correction surgery. Throughout the process, Tom felt his questions were answered thoroughly and his concerns were met with clear answers, realistic expectations and a high level of patient care – before, during and after his procedure.

“[The ] funny thing is, I didn’t go anywhere else [for a consultation]. I was referred to two people. After the consultation with Dr. Mozayeni, I knew if I was going do it, those were the folks I was going to do it with…It’s a very thorough process.”

Tom felt Dr. Mozayeni also made him feel very comfortable. He illustrated how LASIK eye surgery works, sharing in great detail what procedure day entails, what kind of technology is used, its extreme safety and its effectiveness in reshaping corneal tissue. Because Dr. Mozayeni is both a LASIK surgeon and Cornea Specialist, he was able to ensure Tom would have a fast and painless procedure that would be calibrated for his specific corneal needs.

A Pleased LASIK Eye Surgery Patient

“It was kind of cool to lay down [for a few minutes], sit up and have 20/20 vision.”

With almost 20/15 vision, Tom needs no help for seeing far into the distance and picks up his glasses for some near vision tasks such as reading, something he was not concerned about eliminating. In terms of recovery, Tom experienced mild discomfort the day of his procedure, but was out and about the following day. While his corneal tissue healed, he also made sure to use lubricating eye drops so he didn’t have dry eyes.

Tom remarked that he was, “very pleased” with his results, happily recommending Dr. Mozayeni and Providence Eye & Laser Specialists to others looking for predictable and safe LASIK eye surgery. Appreciative of the positive and comfortable environment at Providence Eye, Tom enjoyed feeling very relaxed during the decision-making process, stating, “[Dr. Mozayeni] and his staff do great job on evaluation. It’s very clear what the procedure is and what it does.”

Wondering if you are a great LASIK candidate like Tom? Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Mozayeni today.