Name: Lindsay Hart
Originally From: San Diego, CA
Currently Lives: Charlotte, NC
Years in Charlotte: 14
PRK Procedure Date: October 2019
Lindsay Hart, a local photographer and PRK patient, is living contact and glasses-free thanks to the Providence Eye team and has adjusted to life post-surgery. Read Lindsay’s own words about her overall experience and life today.
If you haven’t already, watch parts one and two of our three-part PRK series, as Lindsay starts her laser correction journey and takes us behind-the-scenes of the Providence Eye office.
Q: What surprised you most about your PRK experience?
A: I was surprised by two things. One, how quick, easy and painless the actual surgery was! Two, I was initially surprised by the length of time it took to recover. Thankfully, Providence Eye helped me to set realistic expectations about the recovery length and helped me to be patient knowing PRK recovery timing is different than LASIK and each patient heals differently.
Q: What was the highlight of your experience, beginning in July 2019?
A: The main highlight was reaching 20/20 vision post-surgery! Other highlights included learning I was a candidate for laser eye surgery.
Q: Was there a low point in this process?
A: The low point was the first few days after PRK. Because recovery looks and feels different than LASIK, it is a more delicate healing process and therefore requires more patience.
Q: What did you enjoy most about working with Providence Eye?
A: The doctor had such a calming, intuitive personality. I have honestly never had an eye doctor take this much time to get to know me and my vision situation, let alone a renowned surgeon, and I’ve been visiting eye doctors since I was 12! His calming presence was key on the day of the surgery, as well as in each and every one of our follow-up visits.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Providence Eye team as a whole?
A: The team is seamless! It’s the same level of care and professionalism across the board. I can remember one instance when I had to come in at the very last minute and meet with a different eye doctor who I had never seen before. I remember being blown away at the level of care and concern, even though it was my first time interacting with them!
Q: What do you notice the most now that you are free of glasses and contacts?
A: Day-to-day things are just so much easier. I hated wearing glasses, and contacts were always just a pain!
Q: Was it worth it?
A: Absolutely. Even though the first three weeks were rough, I would 100 percent do it again!
Q: What is the best thing you’ve done since your PRK procedure?
A: Snorkeling in the Bahamas! I was never able to open my eyes underwater even with a mask, because the tiniest bit of water in your contact could mean irritation or losing your lens. It was awesome to swim in clear waters with my eyes open.
Q: Sunrises or sunsets?
A: Beach sunsets all the way!
Thank you Lindsay for sharing your experience to help others along their LASIK journey.
Contact us to schedule a complimentary LASIK consultation to see if LASIK or PRK may be right for you.