One of the most important aspects of LASIK eye surgery is what you do afterward. Following pre-op and post-op care instructions as your surgeon directs will contribute to optimal results. During an initial consultation for LASIK eye surgery, we make sure you understand all that is involved in the LASIK post-op care schedule, breaking it down by hours, days and weeks following your procedure.

LASIK eye surgery may be a straightforward procedure, but it is not simple, and following your surgeon’s LASIK post-op care instructions is critical for optimal results. Below is an example of what you can expect regarding eye drops and medications during your LASIK post-op schedule, as well as what to avoid in the weeks following your LASIK eye surgery.

The LASIK Eye Surgery Post-Op Appointment

Although your vision may be excellent within 24 hours of surgery, your LASIK recovery is still underway. Your corneas are still actively healing and need to be cared for according to your surgeon’s LASIK post-op care instructions. Attending all LASIK post-op appointments is also important. At Providence Eye & Laser Specialists, your LASIK appointments for 12 months after your surgery are all included in the cost of your surgery.

The following is a typical LASIK post-op schedule of appointments:

  • 1 day
  • 1 month
  • 6 months
  • 1 year

However, if you have any concerns about your vision or how your eyes feel between appointments, call our office immediately. At Providence Eye & Laser, we have a doctor on call 24/7, and Dr. Trey Nunnery will see you as often as necessary.

4 Reasons to Attend Your LASIK Post-Op Appointments

  1. Watching for Infection — To help avoid infection, keep up with your eye drops postoperatively, practice good hygiene and stay out of germy places, like public gyms, for the first couple of days. Infection is the most common concern after laser eye surgery, and at Providence Eye & Laser, we want to identify any infection as early as possible
  2. Changes in Your Cornea — Although LASIK may have seemed like a breeze, your corneas have undergone a major change. At Providence Eye & Laser, we do corneal mapping at your LASIK post-op appointments to make sure they look as they should.
  3. • It’s All Included — Providence Eye & Laser has a simple and flat pricing structure for our laser eye surgeries, including your LASIK post-op exams for 12 months. This structure ensures you have the best medical care and patient experience.
  4. • One-Year Milestone — After reaching your first LASIK anniversary, Providence Eye & Laser instructs you to maintain regular annual eye exams. Annual eye exams are more than just checking your vision; they also check the health of your eyes to make sure there are no underlying issues, even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms. Additionally, annual eye exams will keep your enhancement policy valid for your laser eye surgery.

LASIK Post-Op Care Instructions: Eye Drops & Prescriptions

Your LASIK surgeon will provide a specific LASIK post-op schedule for your eye drops. It is important that you follow your LASIK surgeon’s directions regarding brand name vs. generic, number of drops, number of times per day and how many days or weeks.

For optimal results, patients should use the following drops, according to your surgeon's instructions:

  • An anti-inflammatory
  • An antibiotic
  • Lubricating drops (always preservative-free)

LASIK Eye Surgery Post-Op: Things to Avoid

There are several things you should avoid during the LASIK post-op care period.

For 14 days after surgery, all patients should:

  • Not rub eyes.
  • Not go swimming (pool, lake, ocean, pond) or go into hot tubs.
  • Avoid areas prone to dust, smoke, mold (basements) and dirt (yard work).
  • Take periodic breaks and lubricate your eyes more frequently using lubricating drops if using a computer.

Also, during your LASIK post-op schedule, patients should avoid the following for 7 days:

  • Soap and water in your eyes, but you may bathe normally.
  • Eye make-up
  • Ceiling fans while sleeping
  • If you participate in contact sports, care for small children or handle animals or pets, please use extreme caution to avoid being poked in the eye. Protective eyewear is recommended for sports.

You should postpone any plans for spray tanning or cosmetic facial laser treatments for one year after laser vision correction surgery.

Your LASIK eye surgery recovery should go well if you follow instructions and attend your post-op appointments. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon; that is why they are there!

Ready to start your journey to clearer vision?

Learn more about the LASIK post-op care instructions by scheduling a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nunnery today!