At Providence Eye, our goal is to see our LASIK eye surgery patients free from the daily limitations that contact lenses and glasses often create. When it comes to our LASIK results, who better to tell you about their vision correction and experience than our very own patients?

Our guest blog features a Q&A session with Providence Eye LASIK patient Pam Karkow, who had surgery six years ago and is still contact lens and glasses free! Here’s what she had to say about how she enjoys life after LASIK and what her experience was like:

LASIK Q&A Session With a Former Providence Eye Patient

Name: Pam Karkow
Hometown: Stallings, North Carolina
Years in Charlotte: 10+ years

Q: Pam, before we get the scoop on your LASIK eye surgery patient experience, can you tell us a little about your family?
A: My husband is Justin, and we have three kids: Jonah (13), Carson (11), and Camden (5). We also have a golden retriever rescue dog, Hattie (3).

Q: What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
A: Travel! We love to explore. Our most recent adventure was to the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai and Oahu for spring break (April 2018).

How Pam Reached Her Decision to Have LASIK Eye Surgery

Q: Hawaii – sounds dreamy! Prior to LASIK, did you wear contact lenses or glasses, and for how many years?
A: I wore glasses from second grade to seventh grade (so roughly six years) and then in seventh grade I began wearing contacts. I wore contact lenses until shortly after we moved to Charlotte – so a little over 30 years!

“When I started having a lot of trouble with my contacts—seasonal allergies, dryness, etc., that’s when I started considering LASIK.”

Q: Speaking of allergies, the pollen this spring is killing us! So, after you began having trouble with your seasonal allergies and contact lens dryness, you ultimately decided to go through with LASIK surgery after a Providence Eye consultation. How long ago was your LASIK surgery?
A: My LASIK surgery was six years ago. My husband and I knew we wanted to have another baby, and I was also tired of wearing glasses. My eyes had gotten so dry and irritated that I had given up on my contact lenses. When I went for my LASIK consultation, I asked the tech who was doing my evaluation her opinion of whether I should do my LASIK vision correction before or after having our third child, and her answer was an emphatic, “BEFORE!” I am glad I listened to her because it was amazing not to have to find my glasses when I was up at 2:00am feeding a baby!

Q: What do you enjoy most today with your new and improved vision, free of glasses and contact lenses?
A: The freedom! My family loves to camp, and it is so amazing to be able to get up and go in the morning without having to put in a contact lens and at night not to having to find a safe place in the tent to stash glasses.

“As a mom, I just feel safer knowing I can see in the middle of the night without any aid.”

Q: So now that you're prescription-glasses-free, you’re no longer limited with the sunglasses you can wear or inconvenienced by having to special order them. We’ve got to ask – what is your favorite brand of sunglasses?
A: Hands down, Maui Jim.

Q: Maui Jim’s probably look pretty good on the beach or on the ski slopes – do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
A: Oh, that’s a hard one! In the summer, the beach, and in the fall/spring, we love to camp in the mountains.

Q: What would you tell someone today who is considering LASIK with Dr. Mozayeni?
A: Just do it. LASIK will change your life.

“To be without the limitations of glasses or contacts is a freedom that is almost too wonderful to put into words. Having LASIK is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life.”

So, maybe you are considering LASIK and haven’t been quite ready to bite the bullet. Did you find yourself nodding along to some of Pam’s answers or could you relate to the inconvenience of not being able to see without glasses in the middle of the night? Regardless of your personal story, come in and chat with us at Providence Eye. We’re happy to answer all your LASIK eye surgery questions, at no cost! Contact us today.