When considering cataract surgery, you can choose between two categories of lenses based on your lifestyle needs: traditional monofocal lenses and multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). While traditional monofocal lenses provide clear vision from a distance, you may still need glasses to perform some tasks.

Intraocular lenses, on the other hand, can provide clear vision in a range of distances, allowing you to have more opportunities without the need for glasses - and they may eliminate the need for glasses altogether. Discover the different types of IOLs available and which one may suit your lifestyle best.

Types of IOLs

There are a few types of IOLs to consider: multifocal, toric and extended depth of focus IOLs. Each is designed with a different vision need in mind and provides a different result for each patient.

  • Multifocal IOLs have multiple focusing powers built into the lens and therefore provide clear vision at most distances. With multifocal IOLs, most patients will not need to wear glasses after surgery.
  • Extended Depth of Focus IOLs provide a continuous range of vision, whether viewing something from arm’s length or from a distance.
  • Toric IOLs are designed with two different curves instead of one and are used to correct both astigmatism and near or farsightedness. This can decrease a patient’s dependency on glasses based on those multiple factors.

Will IOLs Work for Me?

Before any vision correction surgery, it’s important to consult your doctor and discuss the condition of your corneas. Your doctor will be able to identify if there are any reasons why a cornea surgery is not viable for you and any risk factors you may have. Measurements will also be taken to help your doctor select the right lens to give you the best possible vision after surgery

Your lifestyle will also play a factor in the type of IOL that would be best for you. If you’re comfortable with wearing glasses during some activities, that will factor into your decision – all of these things are important discussions to have with your eye doctor.

Are you ready to take the first step on your vision correction journey?

Schedule a free consultation today to discover the vision correction procedure that’s right for you!