Name: Bayle Olerich
Originally From: Odebolt, Iowa
Currently Lives: Charlotte, NC – South End
Years in Charlotte: 1 Year

Bayle, a patient at Providence Eye, chose to have LASIK for a few reasons, but mostly because she started to travel a lot more for work and keeping up with her glasses and contacts was becoming too much of a hassle. Read to find out how LASIK has helped her travel more easily, now that she is contact- and glasses-free!

Q: We’re so excited to hear how you’re doing post-LASIK! Before we get into the details about your LASIK surgery, could you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do?
A: I’m originally from Odebolt, Iowa, and I’ve been here in Charlotte, NC for about one year now. I live with my boyfriend, in South End. I have three sisters and a large extended family. For work, I have a new job, where I get to travel a lot and sell wine!

How Bayle Chose Providence Eye & Dr. Mozayeni

Q: That sounds like an awesome job! What was it that propelled you to consider having LASIK surgery?
A: My new job requires me to travel a good amount. I also started waking up earlier and getting home later. My eyes were dry and sore from wearing contacts all day and I was getting annoyed with the hassle of keeping up with them. My sister got LASIK a few years earlier and was a big advocate, which made the decision pretty easy for me. She was so happy with her new vision! With my new job, I was just so frustrated with my current vision, I knew LASIK was something I was ready for.

Q: What was the deciding factor that Dr. Mozayeni was the right LASIK surgeon for you?
A: I kept hearing ads on the radio about Dr. Mozayeni, and after doing some research, I narrowed my options down. I came in for my consultation in November of last year (2017). Dr. Mozayeni and the staff at Providence Eye were very professional and diligent. During the exam, they were so thorough, most of my questions were answered before I even had a chance to ask them.

“I could tell Dr. Mozayeni really was the best in his business, and I wasn’t going to go anywhere else for my LASIK procedure.”

Q: We’re certainly glad that you chose Dr. Mozayeni and Providence Eye for your LASIK surgery! It’s such a big decision, and we are happy to have been a part of it. Was there anything else that helped you to make that decision?
A: The team Providence Eye took my vision very seriously. The exam was so thorough, and I felt like Dr. Mozayeni was truly honest with me. He walked through the LASIK recovery process with me and explained how soon I would be able to travel after my LASIK procedure, which was a big concern of mine. He also explained the pricing to me right then and there and told me that I could use my FSA account to pay for the surgery, which I did.

Traveling After LASIK: A Dream Come True

Q: You will be celebrating your one-year LASIK anniversary in January. Now that you look back, was it a good decision?
A: Yes, it was a great decision! I wish I had gotten LASIK sooner! I am able to do so much more now that I don’t have to worry about my glasses or contacts – both for work and in my free time. I can travel without worrying about my contacts or my eyes being sore.

Q: What aspect of your life changed most dramatically after LASIK?
A: I have improved freedom and appreciate the convenience. I used to worry about having an extra pair of contacts on hand or having packed my glasses for a work trip. Traveling after LASIK means I can just get up and go – I don’t have to put my contacts in or search for my glasses in the morning. I don’t even have to plan for extra contacts when I’m traveling. These sound like “the little things,” but in reality, they add up to a pretty big life change in the end.

Q: When you are not working, what do you like to do with your new and improved vision?
A: I love traveling and new experiences. I enjoy skiing, hiking, and going to the beach. I have the ability to do all of those so much more easily now that I don’t have to worry about torn contacts or figuring out how to wear glasses while I do these activities.

If you’re dreaming of traveling contacts- and glasses-free, let’s talk about making that dream a reality – schedule your complimentary LASIK consultation with Dr. Mozayeni today!