Did you know the average LASIK eye surgery cost may vary depending on your prescription? Then again, it may not. When evaluating your options for LASIK, it is important to understand all pricing aspects and everything you are getting for that price.

There are two basic philosophies when it comes to LASIK eye surgery cost:

  • Variable, or prescription-based
  • Flat-rate, not prescription-based

So how do you find out what your surgeon is charging and how do you know what is included in that LASIK surgery price? There is one thing for sure, do not be lured by a low price. Typically, an advertised low LASIK eye surgery cost is the bait. We’ll explain.

Prescription-Based LASIK Eye Surgery Cost: A Juggling Game of Factors

You’ve most likely seen ads or Groupons advertising a $299 or $499 LASIK surgery price. How does this even make sense? After all, this is surgery on your eyes, with a laser that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Typically, a LASIK surgery price this low is a “bait price,” which is meant to get your attention and get you in the door. The ad should really say, “Prices start as low as $299.” This is unfortunate since we are talking about an important medical procedure, not a mattress sale! When speaking with this type of provider, you will quickly learn the LASIK eye surgery cost is dependent on how bad your prescription is, if you have astigmatism, and sometimes what type of technology is being used. You can sometimes figure this out by reading their websites carefully. You will often find this information on the bottom of such a facility's home page.

What you will learn is that only those with low prescriptions and zero astigmatism qualify for the low LASIK surgery price. So, let’s say that you do qualify to have LASIK for the “starting at price.” You now need to ask some additional questions to understand what you are getting for your low LASIK eye surgery cost. We’ve created a checklist of questions to ask when evaluating LASIK:

Questions About the LASIK Surgeon:

  • Is he/she a cornea specialist? (LASIK is surgery on your cornea.)
  • How many years has the surgeon been performing vision correction surgery?
  • Is the surgeon located in the same area as the practice or do they fly into town just to perform surgery?
  • You should meet your surgeon at your initial LASIK consultation. After all, he/she is going to use a laser on your eye, so you want to feel confident. Trust your gut.

Questions About LASIK Technology:

  • LASIK is a two-step process. Are both steps performed by a laser or is a blade used at any time?* There is a big difference between all-laser LASIK and blade LASIK.
  • What type of technology is being used? It can be a bit difficult to understand this aspect of LASIK, but you can read about technology on practice websites. This is an instance when a second opinion is a great idea, as you can compare and contrast technology.

Questions About Post-Operative Care:

  • Is your post-operative care included? If so, for how long and/or how many appointments?
  • Is there a LASIK enhancement policy? If so, what are the policy’s qualifications for an enhancement?

Unfortunately, most people are not going to qualify for the “starting at price” and will have a higher LASIK eye surgery cost than is advertised. What people do not realize is that you could end up spending the same amount or more with this type of LASIK versus visiting a practice that has superior technology and patient care like Providence Eye & Laser Specialists.

Flat-Rate LASIK Surgery Pricing

Flat-rate LASIK surgery pricing presents a much more straightforward strategy: regardless of prescription, astigmatism or technology used, your LASIK eye surgery will cost what is listed. When you think about it, shouldn’t the LASIK eye surgery cost total more than a mattress? Surgeons who offer flat-rate pricing recognize there are three main components you are paying for:

  • Expertise and experience of the surgeon
  • State-of-the-art technology (a typical finding in flat-rate LASIK practices)
  • Superior patient care

Even if you are evaluating a practice that offers flat-rate LASIK surgery pricing, you should still ask all the same questions discussed above. However, you will probably find different answers to the same questions. For example:

  • Your LASIK eye surgery cost may cover post-operative appointments for 12 months as opposed to 6 months.
  • The surgeon is likely a partner or even the owner of the practice and lives in your community. In this circumstance, there is a lot on the line and they put their best foot forward every day.
  • Enhancement policies aren’t governed by a corporate policy. The goal in these types of practices is to make the patient happy, even though everyone’s definition of happy is different.

Flat-rate pricing ensures your LASIK eye surgery cost doesn’t change due to small print or hidden fees. The final cost is clearly laid out for every patient to consider, and does not change based on prescription or astigmatism.

If you’re considering LASIK, make sure you ask questions, get a second opinion and don’t be lured by bait and switch tactics. If you are ready for an honest, straightforward approach when determining your LASIK eye surgery cost, visit a practice that provides unmatched patient care, state-of-the-art technology and no unpredictable prescription-based pricing. Dr. Mozayeni at Providence Eye & Laser Specialists is proud to offer such an experience, and invites you to schedule a complimentary consultation today so you can take the next step towards seeing more and living better.

*Bladeless, all laser technology has been proven to be safer than blade technology. All laser LASIK technology offers a smaller chance for post-op discomfort and maximizes the ability to reshape corneal tissue in a fast, effective and customized manner.