Q: What is your name?
A: My name is Lisa Kuopus.

Q: Are you married? Do you have any children?
A: I am married with one 16-year old daughter and two four-legged furry children.

Q: How long have you lived in Charlotte?
A: I have lived in the Charlotte area all my life. It's unusual these days to find someone that grew up here!

Q: Where are you from originally?
A: I am originally from Monroe, North Carolina.

Q: When did you join Providence Eye and Laser Specialists?
A: I joined Providence Eye on January 6, 2005.

Q: What is your role at Providence Eye?
A: I am the Front Operations Manager.

Q: What do you like best about your position at Providence Eye?
A: Getting to see all the patients that have had LASIK eye surgery that no longer have to wear contacts or glasses and how it has changed their lives. We sometimes hear stories from surgery patients about how drastically LASIK eye surgery has made their life so much better and some have been made even safer because of their job.

Q: Why did you decide that Providence Eye was the right place for you?
A: My husband worked with Dr. Mozayeni at a LASIK only facility when Dr. Mozayeni first moved to Charlotte. I knew what a great surgeon he was then because he did surgery on my eyes there. I continue to realize what a great surgeon he is when a surgery patients leave the office with a big smile on their face.

Q: What do you like most about Charlotte?
A: I like the many different entertainment opportunities and restaurants. I also like the fact that Charlotte actually has four seasons.

Q: What do you like least about Charlotte?
A: The traffic!