Name: Heather Collinsworth
Originally From: Illinois
Currently Lives: Charlotte, North Carolina
Years in Charlotte: Years17

Meet Heather Collinsworth, a Providence Eye LASIK patient who had her first LASIK consultation with us back in November 2007! Read her LASIK testimonial to find out why she waited 10 years to finally have her LASIK surgery, and what she has to say about that now!

Heather Collinsworth’s LASIK Testimonial

Q: Heather, we’re so glad you decided to tell us a little bit about your LASIK journey. Before we get into that, would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself and your family?
A: Sure! I’m originally from Illinois, and I have lived in the Charlotte area now for about 17 years – I currently live in the Concord area, right by Mallard Creek. I’m really lucky because my Mom lives “right down the street” in Columbia, SC. I have lots of cousins and extended family along the East Coast and in the Midwest. For work, I am a Benefits Consultant for a finance company.

Why Heather Waited 10 Years to Have Her LASIK Surgery

Q: So, Heather, you came to Providence Eye about 10 years ago for a free LASIK consultation with Dr. Mozayeni. What was it that initially made you consider LASIK surgery?
A: That’ correct, the first time I considered LASIK was in November of 2007 when I started getting frustrated with glasses and contacts. At that time, I decided it was not my time to have LASIK, I was just too scared and couldn’t overcome my fears. In true Providence Eye style, I was never pressured. However, I knew if I were ever ready, Dr. Mozayeni would be my surgeon. Fast-forward exactly 10 years later, and I called Dr. Mozayeni’s office again!

Q: What made you finally decide to revisit LASIK 10 years after your original consultation with Dr. Mozayeni?
A: It was October 2017, and I was planning a trip; I was going to be traveling to Italy to celebrate a friend's 50th birthday over the Christmas holiday. I just dreaded the idea of dealing with glasses and contacts while traveling – packing extras in case anything happened, like itchy watery eyes from contacts or glasses fogging up due to rain when trying to take pictures. I just wanted to enjoy everything Italy had to offer with no hassle and great vision! I decided if I was ever going to have LASIK surgery, this was the time!!

Q: That does sound like a great reason – traveling with glasses and contacts is never easy. But it sounds like you had a big motivator to overcome those fears from 10 years ago?
A: Absolutely! However, I was still beyond terrified, but I just kept my eye on Italy! I was so scared I even think I almost hyperventilated!

“But Dr. Mozayeni is so great; he knew I was scared and patiently talked me through each step while he performed the surgery to help calm my nerves. He was amazing!”

Why Heather Chose Providence Eye for Her LASIK Procedure

Q: What was the deciding factor that Dr. Mozayeni was the right LASIK surgeon for you?
A: I knew 10 years ago that if I was able to overcome my fear about eye surgery that I was going to choose Dr. Mozayeni. He was so personable and considerate, both then and now. He made me feel like I was his only patient, taking the time to listen to all my concerns about the procedure and upcoming travel. He reassured me at every turn and never once pressured me. I felt like he genuinely cared about me, and that is why I chose Dr. Mozayeni and Providence Eye & Laser Specialists.

Q: We’re so glad you trusted us with something so precious to you, your vision! You will be celebrating your one-year LASIK anniversary in November. Now that you look back, was it a good decision?
A: Without a doubt, LASIK was the BEST decision!

“I only wish I had the courage to do it when I came in 10 years ago!”

Q: That’s great that you are so happy with your decision. If you could choose just one thing, what aspect of your life changed most dramatically after LASIK?
A: I love waking up and seeing everything clearly. No reaching for glasses, no dry eyes from sleeping in my contacts, just crystal-clear vision as soon as I open my eyes. Before surgery, my vision was so awful – everything was just a big blur. Now it is better than 20/20!

Q: When you are not working, what do you like to do with your new and improved vision?
A: I enjoy travel, reading, photography, and spending time with friends and family. Honestly, practically everything I do is more enjoyable now that I've had LASIK.

We’re so glad Heather finally made the decision to have her LASIK procedure done, even 10 years later! We recognize this is a very important and personal decision. Here at Providence Eye we want to educate you and answer your questions, so you can make the decision that is right for you. If LASIK is something you are considering, come see Dr. Mozayeni for a complimentary LASIK consultation. He’ll be able to answer all of your questions and determine if you are a good fit for LASIK surgery.