Why the Cataract Evaluation is So Important

Cataracts form gradually and they may not adversely affect your vision in the early stages. However, it’s important to know how they are progressing and get honest recommendations from Dr. Nunnery so you can make an educated decision about when to have cataract surgery – even if it means putting surgery on hold.

Dr. Nunnery’s cataract evaluation is a comprehensive overview of your eye health. In fact, we ask that you allow 2 hours at our office for this evaluation. Your eyes will be dilated during the exam, which will cause some light sensitivity and trouble reading, but your distance vision should be minimally affected. However, if you are not comfortable driving we recommend you have a friend or family member drive you home (your safety is our top priority!).

We ask that you complete the online registration process PRIOR to arriving in our office. This will allow us to see you at your scheduled time. We do not overbook our schedule, so your consult should begin within 5-15 minutes of your arrival if your online registration is completed prior to your arrival.

Tests During Cataract Evaluations

During your visit, Dr. Nunnery and his team will perform pain-free assessments of your:

  • Visual acuity (distance and near vision)
  • Current refractive error (glasses prescription)
  • Eye pressure (glaucoma screening)
  • Lens condition (protein build-up from cataracts)
  • Corneal curvature and structural analysis
  • Tear film health
  • Retinal health (back of the eye)

Dr. Nunnery thoroughly explains the results and his recommendations to you that same day. Compassion and respect are what drives these conversations, in part, because Dr. Nunnery knows more than anyone the anxious feelings that arise as patients wait for results. That’s why he breaks down all the complicated medical jargon into easily understandable terms and encourages patients to ask as many questions as it takes to help them fully grasp the state of their eye health.

If Dr. Nunnery feels the time is right for cataract surgery, he will begin the education process about the different cataract surgery options and intraocular lens (IOL) replacement options that are available for you. In fact, for some patients, cataract surgery becomes a life-changing moment because they are able to enjoy their hobbies, grandchildren, driving, etc., without glasses in many situations.

Exam room 2 RT

Schedule Your Cataract Evaluation with Dr. Nunnery

We are here to help guide you along the journey toward better vision. Call 704-540-9595 today.

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We look forward to getting to know you!