Zach McLaren’s (32) alarm clock is set for 4:30am. He’s a runner in training. Zach has a decision to make, should he run in contacts or glasses? Neither are ideal. Contacts would seem logical, but Zach has dinner plans with his lovely wife, Jessica, and friends. He knows that if he puts his contacts in now, his eyes will be extremely irritated after 10-12 hours. But steamy glasses slipping off your face are no fun. Zach decides he is done with these early morning decisions and decided to look into LASIK eye surgery.

Researching LASIK Eye Surgery

Zach has worn glasses or contacts for 13 years. The timing seemed right to Zach, so he made two calls one to Dr. Mozayeni at Providence Eye & Laser Specialists and one to another practice in Charlotte. After speaking with both, Zach scheduled a complimentary consultation with Dr. Mozayeni. After completing the 2-hour consultation, Zach was thrilled to learn he was an ideal candidate and felt extremely comfortable moving forward with LASIK eye surgery. After all, he is training to do a 50K trail run out side of Charleston, SC, in November and not having to deal with contacts and glasses would certainly simplify the training process.

Zach’s LASIK Eye Surgery Experience

Zach had LASIK performed by Dr. Mozayeni on September 1, 2016.

The process was explained really well; I was told exactly what to expect each step of the way. The procedure itself felt so quick, and when I sat up, I could already read the clock on the wall without glasses or contacts.

Zach went on to explain that he took his 4-hour nap as direct by Dr. Mozayeni and woke up pain-free and with improved vision. He found the LASIK eye surgery post-op instructions to be very clear and has followed them carefully based on Dr. Mozayeni’s instructions.

When asked about the cost of LASIK eye surgery, Zach told us "The pricing was clear and straightforward. Additionally, Dr. Mozayeni and his entire team were very upfront and honest about expectations."

When asked about the benefits he has experienced since his LASIK surgery, and Zach had several:

  1. Obviously getting up at 4:30am for a run and not having to mess with contacts or glasses is the number one benefit.
  2. No steamy slippery glasses while running.
  3. No need to “calculate” how long his day will be and if he can wear contacts all day.
  4. When he travels to see his family in Canada, he doesn’t have to pack any of the “stuff” to make sure he can see. “I just go and I can see everything!”

Will Zach refer his friends and family to Dr. Mozayeni? He told us absolutely, and that he already has!

We want to wish Zach good luck in his upcoming race. We are thrilled he is enjoying his new vision, so he can see more and live better.

To schedule a free LASIK consultation with Dr. Mozayeni, contacts us today!