Name: Ivey Thornton

Originally from: Marietta, GA

Lives in: Charlotte, NC

Ivey Thornton became a patient at Providence Eye in January 2020 when the decline in his vision brought his frustration to a breaking point. He inquired about and was hoping to have LASIK. However, Ivey was 65 and in most cases by age 65, people begin to show at least early signs of cataracts, which greatly reduce the longevity of LASIK.

After a 2-hour dilated exam at Providence Eye with Dr. Nunnery, it was determined that Ivey had cataracts that were impeding his vision. This was actually good news to Ivey - he was looking forward to finding a way of improving his vision and his quality of life, and now he knew what was in front of him.

In February 2020, Ivey underwent laser-assisted cataract surgery and, with Dr. Nunnery’s guidance, selected an advanced Intraocular Lens (IOL), the PanOptix extended depth of focus lens with ORA technology. Based on Dr. Nunnery’s recommendation, his right eye was done first, followed by his left eye two weeks later. Now 6 months after his cataract surgery, Ivey is enjoying all aspects of his life.

Get to Know Ivey

Q: Ivey, we’re excited to hear about your cataract surgery experience with Dr. Nunnery! But first, can you tell us a little about yourself and your family?
A: I was born in Marietta, Georgia, but we moved frequently, as we were a military family. My wife Julie and I now live in the Lake Wylie area and we have three children and five grandchildren in the Charlotte area.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
A: My wife and I enjoy spending time with our grandkids, especially out on the water.

Choosing Providence Eye and Dr. Nunnery

Q: Was there a moment that you knew and realized it was time to take action with regards to your vision?
A: I realized I wanted to talk to my eye specialist because it became a real handicap to me in my daily life, and I disliked having to keep up with reading glasses.

Q: Give me a few highlights about your conversation with Dr. Nunnery and how you and he came to decide on your laser-assisted cataract surgery with advanced lens and ORA?
A: Dr. Nunnery explained the technology so that I could understand all aspects that I need to consider. It was apparent to me he was genuinely concerned for my wellbeing and confident in what the procedure could accomplish for my vision.

Q: What are 2-3 adjectives that best describe Dr. Nunnery?
A: Extremely smart, very concerned for his patients, extraordinary surgeon!

Ivey's Life After LASIK

Q: What was most surprising about the procedure, and how was your recovery after your procedure?
A: My recovery occurred during the Coronavirus concerns, yet the care I received during recovery was incredible. Any and every small concern that came up was dealt with quickly, and I actually feel the team went above and beyond what I expected.

Q: What aspect of your life changed most dramatically after your procedure?
A: My ability to easily do things that had become difficult because of vision limitations. It didn’t just change a single aspect of my life... it changed my entire life! It’s the best decision I have ever made in regard to my overall quality of life.

Q: What would you tell someone today who is considering cataract surgery with Dr. Nunnery?
A: You owe it to yourself to investigate!

Q: Last question – with your newly-improved vision, do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
A: I love sunsets... especially from our boat!