Due to several factors, Laurie wasn’t sure if she’d be able to receive LASIK eye surgery. Luckily, Providence Eye’s Dr. Mozayeni came up with a plan so Laurie could safely undergo laser vision correction. After years of trying glasses and contacts, she could finally enjoy clear vision, right before her 50th birthday. Check out Laurie’s story in her own words:

Problems with my vision started when I was about 42 and before I knew it, I had cheap reading glasses all over my house. After a couple of years, my distance vision became an issue and my up-close vision was getting worse. By the time I was 47, I needed my progressive lenses all the time. For years, I walked around with glasses on top of my head, annoyingly pulling them up and down as needed throughout the day. I gave contact lenses a try, but really struggled as my eyes are small and soon realized that contacts were not an option for me. My poor eyesight caused me to feel frustrated 24/7 and that's when I started looking into vision correction. After thoroughly searching for a reputable eye care doctor, a year's worth of research pointed me straight to the eye care doctors at Providence Eye & Laser Specialists.

After a thorough eye exam, Dr. Mozayeni explained that my eyes were a little on the dry side and he didn't feel comfortable doing any type of LASIK eye surgery correction on me at that time. He gave me a prescription for drops and asked me to come back in two months. During my second appointment, I learned that the drops had worked and I was given the green light for corrective eye surgery. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed that there was no pressure placed on me to schedule the procedure.

I decided that the best option for me was to have both eyes corrected for distance. Dr. Mozayeni clearly explained that the LASIK correction might help with my up-close vision, but eventually with age, I would need readers again. I was beyond excited the day of my eye surgery and never thought for one minute that there would be a problem. Unfortunately, due to having deep-set eyes and the narrow bone structure surrounding them, what started out as a routine LASIK procedure turned out to be more complicated. I really believe that if it were not for Dr. Mozayeni's skills and experience, my LASIK eye surgery could have gone terribly wrong. I hate to think of what could have happened if I had chosen someone else.

I was two weeks shy of my 50th birthday when I had LASIK in 2013. It has been almost a year now, and with 20/15 vision, I still don't need reading glasses. I will never forget the frustration I felt before LASIK eye surgery and I will never take for granted the freedom I have to see without glasses or contacts. I can sit in my den and look across the room at photographs in frames and see them clearly. I can see the food on my plate! I love waking up and seeing the clock without having to grab my eyeglasses. No more halos at night while driving! Now when I'm walking the dog, I know if I'm looking at a stick or a snake! I could go on and on about how life changing this has been for me. I am forever grateful to Dr. Mozayeni and his wonderful staff!

- Laurie